Our sponsors, community partners, volunteers, and supporters play a vital role in our ability to continue our mission. We greatly appreciate the individuals and businesses who have chosen to partner with us. The Fall Migration Festival is our biggest fundraising event of the year! This event is held the third in September.
Thank you to our 2024 Community Partners for our 13th Annual Wildbird Recovery Fall Migration Festival!
Keynote Speaker – Stephen Bucklin
Claire Catt
Darner & Daisies
Donna Caroline Designs
Herptile Education & Rescue Program of Allegheny County (HERP)
Mars Area Public Library – Nature Trail StoryWalk
Nick Liadis – Bird Lab
Pennsylvania Game Commission – SGW Jake Babilon
Pittsburgh First Catch Program – Venture Outdoors
Rustbelt Mayberry Photography
Terry Lobdell
The Birdwatchers Store
Wildlife In Need (WIN)
Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors for our 13th Annual Wildbird Recovery Fall Migration Festival!
Liz Spence
Maryellen Walter
The Beck Family
Kenneth A. and Jennie H. Barker Wildlife Preservation Fund
Steven P. Gerwick
Susan Race & Don Eyth

MERLIN Sponsors
Clearview Federal Credit Union
Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Moraine Grove Veterinary Clinic
Norma Margaret Ruffing
Thank you to those who donated baskets and auction items for our 13th Annual Wildbird Recovery Fall Migration Festival!
Amber VanStrien
Bobbie Carpenter
Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau
Casey Brown
Donna Lesondak
Donna Caroline Designs
Fun Fore All
Gail Mashuda
Heather Foltz
Laura Beck
Leigh Wolfe
Liz Spence
Lorren Kezmoh
Louise O’Connor
Melissa Brown
Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium
Shirley A Stine
Stu Chandler Photography
Susan Race
The Birdwatchers Store
Vicki McMaster
Vinoski Winery
Please let us know if you donated something and we forget to thank you!
We are thankful for those who help the day of the event run smoothly.
Abigail Dankis
Alexis & Zach Fitzgerald-Polovchik
Amber VanStrien
Appalachian Land Management (Pumpkins, Cornstalks, Tri-colored Mums)
Beth & David McMaster
Brittany McLaughlin
Bobbie Carpenter
Brenkle’s Farm & Greenhouses
Chris McNamara
Freedom Farms
Gabe Mowen
General Rental
Jennifer Hatala
Jodi Delaney
Joshua Zimmerman
Krissy Hogue
Leigh Wolfe
Liz Spence
Lorren Kezmoh (t-shirt design)
Lucy Wynn
Mars Farmhouse Cafe
Michael Klink
New Life Christian Ministries
Nosh & Curd
Sara Cole
Steve Gerwick
The Beck Family – Laura, Josh, Cooper, and Layla
The Bereznak Family – Adam, Amanda, and Jacob
The Brown Family – Andrew, Melissa, Aubrey, Landon, Emma, and Drew
Tyler McMaster
Vicki McMaster
We can’t continue our mission without your help! Wildbird Recovery, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization so your charitable donation is tax deductible. Please email Melissa at mbrown@wildbirdrecovery.org if you would like to help sponsor our 14th Annual Wildbird Recovery Fall Migration Festival on Sunday, September 21, 2025. We welcome you to come meet us in person to better understand our short-term and long-term goals for our wildlife rehabilitation services and wildlife education programs.

home of Wildbird Recovery, Inc.